OakenPage creates and maintains web sites for small to medium sized companies, for professionals and for people with skills and passion. We specialise in developing science, engineering and music related sites but will happily work with you even if you have quite different interests!
Website design: what we will do and won’t do
Our sites are fast, simple, durable and visually appealing. We work hard, so your users don't need to!
Technically speaking, the sites are standards compliant, search engine friendly and accessible.
More on how we work & our values.
Website basics: things you need to think about
Want a brand new website? Need an old site reviving? Not sure what this involves?
We can help you with all these - read on & learn about the essentials for a good website.
Showcase - some samples of our work
One site from several:

Our showcase contains sites in many different styles and for quite different customers, but all are labours of love.
Lens Design and the true masters of the web!
A corner of this site is dedicated to those unsung heroes - the lens designers - without whom there would be no cameras, no telescopes, no microscopes, no digital computers, no internet ...
Modest men and women - slaving over hot computers to bring more masterpieces of glass into being - yet unappreciated by all around.
Find out more about the world of the lens designer.
OakenPage has one designer, Geoff Adams; with other associates as required. OakenPage is based in Shoreham-by-Sea, near Brighton [UK].
Feel free to contact us by phone (during normal working hours) or by email. We will be happy to talk with you, discuss your needs and see if we can work together.
It may be that your requirements are not matched by our area of expertise - if so, we won't try to bluff, but will point you to a more appropriate design house.